Naidheachdan / News

PROCESS HOLDING STATEMENT: ROUND 1                                        15OCT24

Dear Clan Members

The Clan has completed Round 1 of the Settling the Clan Name monitored by Carrick Pursuivant, Prof Gillian Black, our Supervisory Officer assigned by the Lyon Court and administered by the Council of Presidents.  While not directly involved in the Clan Name decision, the Court carefully reviews how the Council of Presidents, who are the elected representatives of the Clan’s Societies, and the Clan go about completing the process.

The process guidelines, rules and expectations for settling the Clan name are set by the Council and the Court.  The preference for the Clan Name is solely decided by input from the Clan.  The Council has a responsibility to the worldwide Clan to ensure that the process is transparent, confidential, completed with integrity and to confirm that the agreed process is adhered to throughout.

Unfortunately, Round 1 results did not meet these requirements as the process was compromised by actions of some participants including the widespread promotion of one Clan Name option and the spreading of false information via social media which was prohibited by the Council. This was also in breach of the Lord Lyon’s specific requirements that there is no lobbying for preferences and no interference with the process. It has also placed the Clan at a high risk of a time penalty by the Lyon Court which would bar it for up to ten years from submitting a new petition to settle the Clan Name and to identify a candidate for Clan Commander. The Court would require a demonstration of Clan unity before the process may begin again.

After much discussion the Council has decided to void the Round 1 data as invalid, and therefore not useable, and to submit a request to the Lyon Court via our Supervisory Officer for more time to complete the process.  This may avoid the Court having to review the process as flawed and deciding to impose a time penalty.

If our request is approved the worldwide objectives would be to:

  • communicate a new timeline to Clan members for the process of settling the name;
  • communicate eligibility requirements for participation to submit a preference;
  • encourage all Clan members to review all available information on the process;
  • recommunicate this action worldwide via postings; and
  • select a Clan Name with an overwhelming consensus.

Accordingly, the Council would then complete the Settling of the Clan Name process via input preferences from eligible Clan members.  This may take up to 18 months to complete if approved by the Court.  As before, this process will require adherence to high standards of integrity, and transparency and will require an overwhelming consensus in favor of one Clan Name before we can begin the process for identifying a Commander.  If not approved the Clan will not have a Clan Name, Commissioners or a Commander until a new Petition may be submitted and the process completed.

Your understanding for the need to complete this process in a professional and open manner is appreciated.  The Council looks forward to your eligible participation and continued passion for your Societies, our Clan, and our shared Scottish Heritage.

We now await the Lyon Court’s decision in November.  Once a decision is made further details will follow.   Until then the process is suspended.


Council of Presidents