Eachdraidh / History

We have been kindly provided this synopsis of our Clan McPhee NZ beginnings and journey up until now from Foundation Member & Current North Island Vice President Leith Brew (composed May 2023) – Eds

An introduction and meeting organised for Clan MacFie during the huge International Gathering of the Clans held in Edinburgh was attended by Mrs. Belle McPhee Brew and her son Leith. It was at this meeting the Presidents of the four existing MacFie Societies of the time, at the suggestion of  the then Lord Lyon, decided to begin the long process of having Dr. Earle Douglas MacPhee elected as the recognised Leader of Clan Macfie, (the clan name put forward at the time).  This was a direct result of his tireless work and amazing research into all aspects of the MacDHUBHSITH – MacDUFFIE CLAN over several years, and was a significant decision. If our Petition was successful then Dr. Earle would be the first head of our Clan Macfie since the death of our last Chief Malcolm over 354 yrs ago. Dr. Earle encouraged all of us in attendance that afternoon to “return to our homelands and form our own Clan Macfie Societies” which eventuated over the next four years.

Belle McPhee-Brew founded the FIRST Clan McPhee Society in New Zealand and together with the U.S.A. we joined the International Macfie Society comprising of Canada, Australia, Sweden and Scotland. The steering “committee” was made up of the following:

Chairman:       Jim Howitt         Committee: Alice Williams
Vice Chairman:  Noeline Howitt                Peggy Blackwood
Secretary:      Belle Brew (McPhee)           Evan McPhee
                                              Margaret Grimsdale

An historic day for our Clan. Dr. Earle Douglas MacPhee was formally bestowed as Commander of Clan Macfie by the Lord Lyon – King of Arms, and the Premier Earles of Scotland. At the same time Dr. Earle was also gifted his own Arms patent and was formally announced by the Lord Lyon as “The first Leader of Clan Macfie for 358yrs, a Clan that was Broken has once again been made whole”. What a moment and little wonder with much media coverage involved, including several Television interviews both across the U.K. but also his homeland of Canada.

The New Zealand Society slipped into recession. This was mainly due to to the fact that most of the Steering Committee were domiciled in the Auckland region and the time it took to establish a New Zealand wide Clan Society to be established and left little opportunity for any large gatherings. Apart from the odd shared meal and attendance at Highland Games, nothing was happening for the new members. We needed Public Relations, we needed a reason for members to belong, to gather, to socialise and communicate with our brother Societies overseas.

Belles son Leith, up from Palmerston North visiting his parents, was deeply moved by his Mothers sadness that her promise to our Commander Dr. Earle MacPhee looked like becoming a failure; let alone what she had spent of  her and  husband Ginna’s own finances up to that point which was quite substantial. She wrote a very moving letter to the Clan Members imploring them to become involved and this letter in its original is still held by the Society. Her savings were diminishing and Leith was determined this was not going to happen. We sat down together as a family over a dram and Leith suggested she should begin with FAMILY and our roots became centered on the Wairarapa. He also offered to meet all costs going forward until the perceived member subscriptions were sufficient to see the Clan pave it’s own financial way. Belle contacted all of her relatives in the Wairarapa and the response was immediate and offers to help in any way flooded in. As a direct result of this, Leith and his wife Yvonne decided to use “Family” and organise the first three day Gathering of the McPhee Family Clan Society. However, because of work pressure and his contacts within hospitality, it HAD to be in Palmerston North.  Belle came down in support and to “Rally the Troops” as she put it, and within a couple of weeks she had formed a new Committee: our current Clan Patron Judy Cundy, Ian Sutherland, Bruce and Shirley McPhee, Skip and Don McPhee and Sheila Macrae were first to put their hands up. Family in the Wairarapa, not on Committee, did everything we asked of them – Joy Arcus, Sue Shakespeare and Mary Symonds were to the fore along with Colin Morrison and Joy….just to name a few.  WHAT AN OCCASSION! 53 members attended, 4 making the trip up from Christchurch, several from up North, plus invited guests and members of Clan Cameron associated with the City of Manawatu Highland Pipe Band – which Leith was involved in as non-playing member. A truly foundation moment for our Clan.

Our first Square Day in Palmerston North where we put up a tent, Clan information and a big MacPhee sign, selling drinks and sandwiches plus a couple of raffles; the prizes being a bottle of Single Malt and a beautiful Cake from the kitchen of a Masterton member. Square day was hosted by the Manawatu Pipe band and was the second largest competition within the North Island next to the Nationals. Jenny Mair, the rock behind all things Scottish and Clan Cameron asked us back and for a few years we were always a source of social conversation and provider of merriment, cold drinks and nibbles, with great support from the Wairarapa members. Don McPhee carved the McPhee Shield which is one of the trophies much treasured and sought after by the competing bands – even to this day. Sadly the big Co-OP’s muscled in and we were forced out as we could not compete with them.

In 1986 we were formally registered with the Lord Lyon Court in Edinburgh but not here in New Zealand – as we never had a formally written Constitution. The existing one from 1980 was then addressed, changes made, formulated and then produced later that year to be registered here in New Zealand……we were finally OFFICIAL.

At our four yearly International MacFie Clan Gathering and Parliament – always held in Scotland – over 100 Macfie’s gathered on the Isle of Colonsay for a “homecoming”, with several members of our own New Zealand Clan Society attending. This was under the Commandership of Sandy McPhie (of Australia) who, after the passing of Dr. Earle MacPhee and upon the Derbphine and Clan Armigers petition to the Lord Lyon, became our second International Clan Macfie Commander. Several of our members have since attended International events, many out of “duty” or at the Commanders request, all proudly and capably representing The McPhee Family Clan Society of New Zealand.    Our members have represented us in Australia, Nova Scotia, Canada, USA, and Sweden. On some occasions sharing the stage with royalty, being asked to be a speaker, or the speaker at formal Gatherings and at times just accompanying our Commander overseas at his request even if only to enjoy an end of the day single malt, or to arrange his daily schedule or address the odd haggis in some far off land at his request…..all things some of our members have been involved in. We are still a much respected Clan Society across the globe.

The word Family was dropped a few years ago after it’s “used by date” and before it became a block to outsiders who thought they would be excluded because they were not “Family”.
We have recently been under pressure also to now drop the name McPhee for the International spelling Macfie which most Societies have done, but the reason Belle chose that spelling was NOT because she it was her direct lineage but because it is the most common spelling of our Clan name in New Zealand and hopefully we will defend it fiercely for her and our loyal members who ‘bear it with pride’.

Internationally several Societies have folded completely or amalgamated with other Societies within their own country. Membership has plummeted over the last 20 years or so across the Globe, and  even though our peak membership was near 290-310 and is now in the high 30’s, we are still per head of population the second highest membership Clan in the world which gives you some idea as to the state of others. Per Capita fees – a 10% levy imposed on every Society to go into an account towards offsetting the Commanders financial burden slowly filtered out. The last two Societies who continued to pay that levy – of the once 13 that existed internationally, was Australia and New Zealand, a point noted in the minutes at Clan Parliament.

As the remaining stalwarts we have one objective, to increase our membership, to encourage pride in the fact that we all bear the Scottish blood of our Ancestors, to keep the short but proud history of our Clan alive and to gain fun and camaraderie with fellow “relatives”. 

To quote the Maori proverb: “KIA KAHA”….ONWARDS AND UPWARDS, this is our task.  As Belle Brew did back to the new generation of FAMILY, sharing in the fellowship of other Clans (as many of them are struggling), attendance at Highland Games, gatherings and events is a chance to wear the tartan in all it’s glory, as well as visiting fellow members where one is always welcomed with open arms and great hospitality. Make the tartan easily available to all and gift some form of compulsory initiation from the Society to members – be it a brooch, scarf, bonnet or tie….but in the Clan Tartan.  Newsletters which are now professionally produced come at a cost but are THE ABSOLUTE HEART of any Society, our life-blood (if you get the idea), they if nothing else are a reason TO BELONG.

As a Society and at this time  2023, we cannot be side-tracked into hunting for an heir.  We have became a Broken (Leaderless) Clan once more.  The euphoria and media trumpeting heralding the fact, 40 years ago, that Clan Macfie had become reunited and whole (with a Leader) after 358yrs has now fluttered away and will be entered into the  recorded history of Scotland.  Forty years, then through a physical handicap, cause unknown, which resulted in a permanent disability, Iain, our last serving and active Commander was sadly forced to resign.                                                               

All Societies to continue MUST focus fully upon themselves, their survival, and to not do so is at there peril.  Clan Macfie Societies existed before Dr. Earle became our first Commander, Clan Societies can exist and thrive now without a Commander or for that matter a Chief,  BUT only if our efforts are entirely aimed at continuing the proud record and remembrance of pride and fun that was the Society our Founder Belle Brew McPhee never gave up on. Our prime work now is FOR US and OUR FUTURE as a Society……nothing else. ????⚔️????